Mr Toh will be the most influential person I have met so far.

He is also the ex chairman for novena furniture holdings. After selling his business. he moved on to charity to a whole new level.

Basically, he have a strong network which allows his organization to gather a strong donation to allow his 13 Chinese medical clinic to operate.

All the Sian Chay medical clinics do not charge the old folks for consultation and give each of them a packet of food instead.

Who’s involve in the charity event?

Almost everyone in Mediacorp attended the charity event and he is the only one who is able to pull so many oversea celebrities’ to get this involved.

Most of them have great relationship with Mr Toh. Therefore, a successful man is not just measured by his wealth but also his connection.

When I was very young, I didn’t pay much attention to this type of charity event.

However after I have grown up, this charity have a lot of meaning to it. Not just raising money, or great awareness but you need to have a lot friends and a wide network.

Mr Toh have wrote a total of 7 books and he gave 2 to me. I have done a speed reading and completed both books in 1 day.

To summarise it, the books teach you or reminds you of your primary value. Ignore others and focus in the quality of life.

Don’t regret, complain, or hurt anyone just because you are unhappy

If you can get upset due to one incident, which shows that you are not mature enough.

Wealth is not just about how much money you have but how much you contribute.

It is very rare that he will sign on the book he gives away . So its very fortunate to receive his signature.

He give back to the society by giving free health care of the elderly.

For myself, I wish to purchase a land or island for animals such as otter, dog, cats and plants to stay. Most of the land have been conquer by human beings.

In my point of view, no humans can be so pathetic as long as you can walk and get a job to work. You can feed yourself. Also if you need help, you can complain or moan for assistant

However, the animals, plant, and the environment couldn’t speak for themselves. Since we have already took away their home and damage the environment so much.

I wish my company could do something significant to help them. It might be a huge project but this is what I believe.


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