Customize your Own Design



Choose 150 Design for FREE or Customize Your Own Design at $200

We have more than 150 design for you to choose in our catalogue or Ipad, however if you want something unique, our Kato Gate designer will draw 2-3 draft after you send us the photo

Our Designer will trace the photo, add design and do some arrangement that is best fit to your HDB gate

Choose 150 Design for FREE or Customize Your Own Design at $200

We have more than 150 design for you to choose in our catalogue or Ipad, however if you want something unique, our Kato Gate designer will draw 2-3 draft after you send us the photo

Our Designer will trace the photo, add design and do some arrangement that is best fit to your HDB gate

  1. After we receive the full payment, we will arrange to measure the HDB gate from outside of your house from Monday to Saturday
  2. We will deliver within 9 days for Weekdays, for Saturday, it is subjected to the availability so book us in advance (Sunday No Installation)